At PKF Texas we are not only members of the Greater Houston Partnership (the Partnership), but we actively support and strongly believe in the ideals and principals as put forth by Jeff Moseley President and CEO, the Board, and the various Committees of the Partnership.
One of the Committees that has done outstanding work over the past two years, is the Technology Infrastructure Committee (TIC) for the Partnership. This committee is chaired by Mr. Umesh Verma, President and CEO of Blue Lance, Inc.
Umesh and his committee, which represents a cross section of some of Houston’s outstanding talent in the Technology arena have embarked upon a bold and ambitious plan to help put Houston “top of mind” when companies, or individuals are thinking of a place to locate or relocate their business, or make an investment in an up and coming company. In reviewing their most recent annual report to the Partnership, I noted that have been actively moving forward and making significant progress. Since I met or personally know many of the committee members I am not surprised with the level of activity or the results of the TIC. According to their plan, 2011 is the “Execution Year” and many things we become more well know, and become public.
I am honored and humbled to be notified that I had been nominated, and now accepted to join the TIC. I am very excited about this recent appointment and look forward to contributing in whatever ways Umesh and his team think are beneficial to his efforts. I also want to thank Paul Frison, Executive Vice Chair for the Houston Technology Center and Umesh for supporting my nomination.
You can learn more about the Partnership and its various committees at