Houston #4 Best Large City for Business

by | Jul 23, 2008

Joel Kotkin, whom you’ll remember from previous posts co-wrote a great article with Michael Shires, that appearing on Inc.com that analyses the best cities to business.

A whole section of the article deals with Texas and how it’s a great place to be right now. “Texas’ boom reflects solid growth in a variety of industries from energy to agriculture to manufacturing and trade,” he said. This definitely describes Houston.

Jumping up 13 spots from last year, we rank #4 on the list of best large cities to do business in. We fall behind Raleigh, NC, Austin, and Salt Lake City, UT. Not bad!

The Greater Houston Partnership has a comprehensive list of Houston’s rankings right on the homepage.

Have you seen growth in your business in Houston this year? If you’re looking to expand, is Texas on your list?


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