Houston Hosting “America’s Energy Future: Houston’s Presidential Summit”

by | Nov 28, 2007

Another big event is coming to Houston. America’s Energy Future: Houston’s Presidential Summit will take place Thursday February 28, 2008 at the George R. Brown Convention Center. NBC and MSNBC will be broadcasting portions of the summit live.

12 candidates from both the Democratic and Republican parties have been invited to participate. Check out the website for the most up to date list.

By hosting the Houston Presidential Summit, Houston is further establishing itself as an Opportunity City. The spotlight will be on Houston and our role in the energy industry in the U.S. and around the globe.

It will be interesting to see what topics will be discussed and what information emerges.

Do you see Houston as an Opportunity City? What do you think about Houston hosting events like the Presidential Summit? What other speakers/events would you like to see Houston host?


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