Houston Named #1 Fast City of the Year by Fast Company

by | May 2, 2011

Fast Company magazine reiterated what Houstonians have known for a long time, we’re a great city for work, live and play.  We are the number one Fast City of the Year.  The official announcement was made Friday at a luncheon at Rice University, featuring Mayor Annise Parker and Fast Company Articles Editor, Jeff Chu.  The news was leaked by several local media outlets prior to Friday’s luncheon.

In Chu’s remarks, he said, “We don’t pick a Fast City every year, last year we didn’t have one.  No one stood out to us.  Houston made an impact this year.  The entrepreneurial spirit and its vibrance as a center for innovation and ingenuity are clear.” 

He took the time to talk about the people and how we are the city’s lifeblood.  Houstonians are doing cool things and “bucking” the cowboy stereotype. 

This is the latest in a string of important recognitions for our city.  From the growth of the FastTech 50 and the HTC as a global technology incubator to the Rice Business Plan Competition awarding more prizes and cash than any other in the world, Houston is the place to be.  I’m proud of our city!


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