Lemonade Day: An Event for Budding Entrepreneurs

by | Oct 7, 2009

As you know, my firm, PKF Texas and I are huge supporters of entrepreneurs.  We received an email (see below) promoting Lemonade Day 2010.  Houston’s Lemonade Day is run by Prepared 4 Life, a not-for-profit dedicated to teaching kids life skills, character education and entrepreneurship.  I think this is a great program and the earlier we can spark a future entrepreneur, the better!

Have you heard the buzz about Lemonade Day?
Sponsored by Prepared 4 Life and its many community partners, Lemonade Day is a city-wide program designed to teach youth how to start, own and operate their very own lemonade business.
It provides an opportunity for a community to show kids they care and to come together for a common purpose – to train the next generation of entrepreneurs through a free, fun, engaging, experiential activity.

The power of Lemonade Day is simple. The lemonade stand, an American icon that symbolizes the entrepreneurial spirit of the United States, is the cornerstone of our educational program. Almost every adult in this country can recall experiences of either selling lemonade or buying it from their friends. By teaching business fundamentals, the Lemonade Day experience literally changes the course of kid’s lives. The real payoff may be years down the road, but the effects are already being seen.

Today, Lemonade Day has become the largest city-wide program of its kind for youth. This program has grown from 2,600 registered stands in 2007 to over 27,000 registered stands in 2009. It is estimated that participating youth from all the cities sold over two million glasses of lemonade and donated almost $500,000 to charities of their choice. Houston’s 2010 goal is to impact 50,000 youth!

The recent and future success of Lemonade Day points to a partnership of community leaders, sponsors, volunteers and educators. We invite you to learn how you can play an important part in helping us reach our goal.

To learn more about Lemonade Day, please check out our website, www.lemonadeday.org or contact JC Perez at jcperez@prepared4life.org.

Lemonade Day!
Sunday, May 2, 2010


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