Mark Your Calendars! Upcoming May 2019 Houston Events…

by | May 1, 2019

As accountants and trusted business advisors, we enjoy working with you to co-create ideas and co-develop innovative solutions for your business. To supplement this, we also want to provide valuable information, including upcoming events that we support, and think may be of interest to you. 

  • Greater Houston Partnership
  • Turnaround Management Association – Breakfast Meeting
  • National Association of Corporate Directors
  • Client Exclusive – Not-for-Profit Seminar
  • Turnaround Management Association and Network of Women – Lunch and Tea Talk
  • Client Exclusive – Business Valuation Panel
If you have questions about any event details or registration information, the organization-specific contacts are below. We hope to see you at any or all of these events!
Spotlight On: Greater Houston Partnership

State of the City 2019 

When: Monday, May 20, 2019 | 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. 
Where: Marriott Marquis Hotel |  1777 Walker St., Houston, TX 77010
What: Join the Greater Houston Partnership for its annual State of the City luncheon, featuring Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner. As the City’s chief administrator and official representative, the Mayor is responsible for the general management of the City and for seeing that all laws and ordinances are enforced. This will be Mayor Turner’s fourth address to the Partnership, and attendees will have the opportunity to network with elected officials and business leaders that are dedicated to the future growth and vitality of Houston. More…

Cost: HYPE Insider $72 | Small Business Member $72 | Members $90 | Non-Members $135
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Event: Sherine Farid | 713-844-3682 |

Turnaround Management Association
TMA LogoBreakfast Meeting May 2019

When: Wednesday, May 1, 2019 | 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Where: Junior League of Houston | 1811 Briar Oaks Lane, Houston, TX 77027
What: Join Turnaround Management Association for its May breakfast meeting, discussing the topic: “Recent Developments in the Real Estate Market.” The breakfast will feature a panel, including speakers: Patty Bender, Vista Group; Chris M. Garza, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A; J.W. “Jay” Wall III, Moody Rambin; and Jeff Whetzel, Stewart Title Guaranty Company. One (1) hour of CPE is offered for this program. There is not pre-requisite preparation or experience required. More…
Cost: Members $39 | Non-Members $54

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 Event Contact: Dale Wilkins | 713-839-0808 |

National Association of Corporate Directors
Entrepreneurial Governance: Forming a Board of Directors for Startups

When: Wednesday, May 1, 2019 – 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Where: Lillie Labs, Rice University | 6100 Main Street, Houston, TX 77002
What: In this session, the National Association of Corporate Directors will address when to form a board, board selection, composition and compensation, the “nuts and bolts” of startup boards and common pitfalls to avoid. The discussion will be moderated by Diana Murakhovskaya, Partner, Artemis Fund, featuring speakers: Chris Staffel, Director, Houston Community ToolBank; Rick Timmins, Director, National Angel Capital Association; and Sandy Wallis, Weathergage Capital.  More…
Cost: Members Free | Non-Members Free

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 Event Contact: Becky White | 832-369-7710 |

Client Exclusive
Empower Your Not-for-Profit Board Members and Inspire Leadership

When: Wednesday, May 8, 2019
What: PKF Texas is hosting our next not-for-profit seminar. Attendees will hear from Dini Spheris Principal, Angela Hodson, and Senior Consultant, Nicole McWhorter, as they discuss how to identify and recruit the right board members, creating an environment for successful knowledge sharing and participating, and defining fundraising success for organization leaders.
Event Contact: If you would like more information on client events and how to get involved, please contact Jen Lemanski, Practice Growth Senior Manager, at (713) 860-5457 or

Turnaround Management Association and Network of WomenTMA Logo
Lunch and Tea Talk May 2019

When: Thursday, May 9, 2019 | 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Where: Kiran’s Restaurant | 2925 Richmond Ave., Houston, TX 77098
What: Join Turnaround Management Association and Network of Women for a lunch and tea talk, where guest speaker, Denise Hamilton, Founder and CEO of, will discuss the topic, “Mastering Yourself So You Can Master the World.” Denise will share her wisdom and experience on building an actionable network, developing focus, navigating disappointments, changing ineffective behaviors and various strategies that drive personal success. More…
Cost: Members $60 | Non-Members $75

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 Event Contact: Dale Wilkins | 713-839-0808 |

Client Exclusive
Business Valuation Panel

When: Wednesday, May 22, 2019
What: PKF Texas and Amegy Bank are partnering to host a joint seminar about business valuation. Attendees will hear from a panel, including PKF Texas Directors, Chris Hatten and Matt Goldston, and Amegy Wealth Advisor Vice President, Michael Pritchard, as they discuss what to do to get your business ready for the next level.
Event Contact: If you would like more information on client events and how to get involved, please contact Jen Lemanski, Practice Growth Senior Manager, at (713) 860-5457 or

Additional Upcoming Events
More details coming soon!
  • August 24 – 25, 2019 – Greater Houston Partnership – The Emerald City Soiree


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