Spring 2019 Leading Edge Magazine is Now Live
In our continuing effort to help co-create solutions for business’ future, we offer the following ideas, insights and perspectives in the latest edition of the Leading Edge Digital Magazine. These thought leadership pieces are ready to be accessed any time, anywhere at LeadingEdgeMag.com/PKFTexas.
If you have topics you would like us to cover in future Leading Edge Digital Magazine editions, contact us. As always, we enjoy receiving comments and feedback from our clients and the friends of our firm.
Spring Issue Highlights:
In the days of top-down management, leaders had influence by virtue of their position alone. They made important decisions, sometimes conferring with colleagues and sometimes not. Regardless of a plan’s merits or how well it was communicated, everyone had a duty to toe the line. But how does a leader inspire and influence? More…
The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) is providing business owners with a potential treasure trove of tax savings, but also potential surprises. Some of the changes to depreciation, interest expense deductions and other changes may significantly impact your business for the next few years. More… |
The U.S. Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service certified approximately 625 economically distressed areas throughout Texas as “Opportunity Zones” under a new program designed to spur private investment and economic development in exchange for certain federal tax incentives. More…
Do Nonprofits Receive Contributions from Governments? |
Why Young Professionals Chase Job Titles
There has been murmur among young professionals about job titles and their impact. Titles no longer only signify one’s occupation or responsibilities; they now act as important identifiers in a social media-driven generation. What are the drivers of a beneficial job title? Let’s take a quick look. More… |