State of the City Address – The Mayor Listens to Me!
You may recall that back in May I was excited to hear that City Hall had listened to me and that Mayor Bill White had announced plans for a city-wide Wi-Fi network in Houston.
Well, time passed and nothing more was announced until Monday. At the State of the City address at Hilton-Americas Downtown, he said that the city is currently taking bids and city-wide Wi-Fi should be a reality for parts of Houston by the end of 2007.
Like I said before, if small town Illinois can have Wi-Fi why can’t Houston? With such a strong technology sector here in Houston, it’s about time we caught up with this type of thing.
As for the rest of the address, he touched on several other subjects including energy consumption, public safety and transportation.
Overall, it looks like Houston is going in a good direction. And thanks to those in the Mayor’s office for listening to me about Houston Wi-Fi!