Students at Texas A&M Understand Their Future

by | Feb 8, 2006

As a person who rarely considers himself “old” and likes to stay connected with the future, I had a chance to participate in a recent recruiting event that left me with a wonderful range of emotions.
One emotion that left me feeling very old is the satisfaction that our future, the young people of our profession, and this country, are indeed headed in the right direction.
On Thursday Feb. 2, the PPA (Professional) program for the Mays School at Texas A&M hosted an event in which 15 middle-market firms met future graduates to provide them information about our people and the firm. As a member of the Executive Committee for the Center for New Ventures and Entrepreneurship with the Mays School at Texas A&M, I was on campus that day and joined several colleagues from my firm to meet and greet the students.
From time to time, I work with students from a variety of universities; the folks we made contact with at Texas A&M are outstanding. In fact, I would rank the students in the top five of the schools I visit or work with in the country. Applause to Dean Strawser and Professor Daily for putting together a great program. To the students … it’s hard work to finish in the PPA program, but when you come out on the back end, the rewards will be great and your future will be very bright, indeed.
You know your getting old when you meet students who went to kindergarten and elementary school with your oldest child (mine is almost 21!). I was also very impressed with the students’ questions and what they wanted to learn about the profession and our firm. They not only have a very good grasp of the profession, they have a real sense of what they need to focus on for their professional and personal futures.
If you are student (Texas A&M or otherwise), please feel free to post questions on the blog regarding career choices, accounting matters or practically anything else related to your future. I will try and get them answered for you.


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