Summer 2019 Leading Edge Magazine is Now Live

by | Oct 18, 2019

In our continuing effort to help you co-create your business future, we offer the following ideas, insights and perspectives. These thought leadership pieces in the latest Leading Edge Digital Magazine for Summer 2019 are ready to be accessed any time, anywhere at

the Leading Edge Digital Magazine articles for summer 2019

If you have topics you would like us to cover in future Leading Edge Digital Magazine editions, contact us. As always, we enjoy receiving comments and feedback from our clients and the friends of our firm.

Leading Edge Digital Magazine Summer 2019 feature article thumbnail image of a grey deserted road, with the title "why your company needs a purpose" Why Your Company Needs a Purpose
If you’re like most companies, you have a mission statement, and perhaps a vision statement and a written set of values, as well. But what is your purpose? A purpose is different from your mission and goals. Developing your purpose isn’t hard, but it does take time. Here are steps you need to follow. More…
Leading Edge digital magazine summer 2019 article thumbnail image of papers coming out of a laptop, titled "sourcing contractors for your business: pooling from the right pond" Sourcing Contractors for Your Business: Pooling from the Right Pond
About half of the world’s population is online using the internet for everything, including employment opportunities. Employers going to the same pool to look for available talent and leaving empty handed seems to be an all too common routine, and one that can only be broken by thinking outside the box. More…

Leading Edge digital magazine summer 2019 article thumbnail of a deserted tan building with various window, titled "opportunity zone program gets new, much-needed guidance for investors" Opportunity Zone Program Gets New, Much-Needed Guidance for Investors
On April 17, 2019, the U.S. Department of the Treasury issued its second set of proposed regulations related to the Opportunity Zone tax incentive program. They provide guidance to clarify the requirements investors must satisfy to defer paying tax on capital gains invested in a Qualified Opportunity Fund.

Leading edge digital magazine summer 2019 article thumbnail of a city skyline with tall buildings, titled "tips for doing business in saudi arabia"Tips for Doing Business in Saudi Arabia
Occupying most of the Arabian Peninsula, Saudi Arabia is the world’s 12th largest country in geographic size and 18th largest economy. The capital city, Riyadh, is the financial center and home to notable modern architecture, including the Kingdom Centre with its impressive sky bridge. Here are tips for doing business in Saudi Arabia.

leading edge digital magazine summer 2019 article thumbnail of eight people sitting around a meeting table, titled "avoiding failure to launch: how to successfully implement change at your firm"Successfully Implement Change at Your Firm
Competition is fierce in business and professional services. The ever-changing demands of our businesses require leaders to be agile and implement tough changes to help their firms succeed. Many leaders fail to successfully implement needed changes for a variety of reasons. This article discusses the process for getting started on a path to achieving your goals. 


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