Upcoming January Events in Houston

by | Jan 4, 2016

Our friends and clients look to us, as accountants and business advisors, to formulate ideas and facilitate solutions for your business. With this in mind, we are supporting several upcoming events we think may be of interest to you.

  • Radical Impact Academy
  • Turnaround Management Association
  • Greater Houston Partnership
  • BioHouston
  • El Centro de Corazón

If you have questions about any event details or registration information, the organization-specific contacts are below. We hope to see you at any or all of these events!

Spotlight On: Create Game Changing Results For
Your Business
Radical Impact Academy

When: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 | Registration & Breakfast 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. | Workshop: 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Where: PKF Texas Office | 5847 San Felipe, 25th Floor, Houston, Tx 77057

What: In this ever changing economic climate, executives are constantly seeking opportunities to create high impact results in their business. Join us for an interactive, fast-paced morning workshop presented by Andy Ray, Principal, Entrepreneurial Advisory Services, PKF Texas and author of Radical Impact: A Manager’s Playbook to Achieve Meaningful Results. In this highly interactive workshop environment you will learn to:

  • Identify and design a potential $100,000 fix for your business that you can implement immediately
  • Align your business change strategy with your execution process
  •  Tap the problem-solving potential of your management team
  • Apply practical improvement techniques to your specific business challenges

Cost: $399 for Individuals | $299 per person for teams of 3-5

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Event Contact: Jen Lemanski | 713-860-5457 | jlemanski@pkftexas.com

Turnaround Management Association TMA Logo

January Breakfast Meeting     

When: Monday, January 6, 2016 | Registration 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. | Breakfast and Program 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.         

Junior League of Houston |
1811 Briar Oaks Lane, Houston, TX 77027

What: Elizabeth Guffy
, Senior Cousel with Locke Lorde and Jay Krasoff, Managing Director of Chron Financial Group will be the guest speakers for the breakfast meeting. They will discuss the process, the pitfalls, and unique characteristics of the process during the offering for sale and purchasing of assets in Bankruptcy Court. Whether you are or represent a buyer or a seller, the speakers will address how to maximize your or your clients value.

Cost: Before 1/3 – $29 Members | $44 Non-Members
After 1/3 – $34 Members |$49 Non-Members 

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Event Contact:
Dale Wilkins | 713-839-0808 | dale@amchouston.com

Greater Houston Partnership

2016 Annual Meeting    

When: Monday, January 25, 2016 | Registration 10:30 a.m. | Program 11:45 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.       

Where: George R. Brown Convention Center | 1001 Avenida de las Americas, Houston, TX 77010

The Partnership kicks off 2016 with the Annual Meeting featuring spotlight addresses from incoming Partnership Chair Jamey Rootes, President Houston Texans, along with Partnership President and CEO, Bob Harvey.

The Annual Meeting provides the opportunity to showcase your company to hundreds of local and global corporate leaders, elected officials and the international consular corps. Sponsoring the Annual Meeting is a great way for your company to start 2016. More…

Cost: $80 Members 

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Event Contact: Kristin Culwell | 713-844-3694 | kculwell@houston.org


Women in Science with Excellence Luncheon

When: Friday, January 29, 2015 |11:00 a.m.

Where: River Oaks Country Club | 1600 River Oaks Blvd., Houston, TX 77019

Women in Science (WISE) isn’t just an event-it’s a movement. And we’re offering you an unprecedented opportunity to impact the lives of amazing women. Let’s turn their interest in STEM into a life-long passion. More than just an event, WISE is a movement celebrating the value of women in technical disciplines that connects and inspires people of all ages.WISE nurtures young women by providing academics scholarships and furthers the dialog of equality in STEM jobs. We are honoring three women who have done extraordinary work in their respective field Claire Farley; Member, Energy and Infrastructure, KKR, Ellen Gritz; Ph.D., Professor, Department of Behavioral Science, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and Ellen Ochoa, Ph.D., Astronaut, Director of Johnson Space Center. More..

Cost: $250

Event Contact:
Elizabeth Wellington | 713-555-8888 | elizabeth.wellington@biohouston.org

El Centro de Corazón

9th Annual “Making a Difference” Luncheon

February 23, 2016 | 11:15 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Where: Hotel ZaZa | 5701 Main Street, Houston, TX 77005

What: El Centro de Corazón is an organization that has been addressing community and healthcare issues in East Houston for over 20 years. Having treated over 10,000 people each year, it is located in one of the poorest communities in Houston.

The upcoming luncheon will be held at the Hotel Zaza. Karen Love and Cyndy Garza Roberts are the Host Committee Chairs, please join them in supporting this important organization. You can truly make a difference! More…


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Event Contact: Kathryn Childress | 832-494-1761 | kchildress@elcentrochc.org


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