Mark Your Calendars! Upcoming March 2021 Houston Events…

As trusted business advisors, we enjoy working with you to co-create ideas and co-develop innovative solutions for your business. Even amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, we still want to continue providing valuable information, including upcoming Houston events that we support, and think may be of interest to you.
- Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce
- Greater Houston Partnership
- Houston Business Journal
- National Association of Corporate Directors
If you have questions about any event details or registration information, the organization-specific contacts are below. We hope to see you at any or all of these Houston events!
Spotlight Event: Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce
Volunteer Awards and Board Induction Ceremony
When: Thursday, March 4, 2021 | 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. CST
Where: Virtual
What: Join the Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce for their annual ceremony, where they thank their 2020 Board Chair, Dr. Juliet Breeze, CEO, Next Level Urgent Care, for her leadership and welcome the 2021 Board Chair, Susan Dray, Vice President, Retail Business Development, NRG Energy. In addition, GHWCC will be inducting the 2021 Board of Directors, which includes PKF Texas International Tax Director, Nikki Homratsamy, CPA.
Cost: Members $20 | Non-Members $25
Event Contact: Suzan Deison |
Greater Houston Partnership
2021 Rise to the Top
When: Friday, March 5, 2021 | 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. CST
Where: Virtual
What: Join the Greater Houston Partnership for its milestone 10th year anniversary of Rise to the Top. The Partnership’s Women’s Business Alliance (WBA) will host captivating and candid conversations from outstanding women executives discussing the challenges and triumphs of succeeding in today’s business world.
This year’s Rise to the Top features a panel discussion featuring:
- Mia Mends, Chief Administrative Officer, Sodexo North America
- Katie Mehnert, Founder and CEO, ALLY
- Claudia Aguirre, President and CEO, Baker Ripley
- Moderator: Lisa Shumate, Associate Vice President and General Manager, Houston Public Media
Cost: Members Free | Non-Members $50
Ticket prices will increase by $10 after March 1. No refunds after March 2.
Event Contact: Kim Kornegay |
Houston Business Journal
Diversity of Business Awards 2021
When: Tuesday, March 25, 2021 | 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. CST
Where: Virtual
What: Join the Houston Business Journal as they honor organizations and individuals who have shown exceptional commitment to promoting practices, which advance diversity and inclusion in the workplace, as well as in business leadership. Recognition will be given to those who bolster equality across all areas of diversity, including age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, race and religion.
Cost: Free
Event Contact: Quinn Hoang |
National Association of Corporate Directors
Reimagine Your Nonprofit Organization: Survival Strategies in a Consulting COVID World
When: Monday, March 29 2021 | 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. CST
Where: Virtual
What: As we move into year two of a worldwide crisis, it is critical for not-for-profits to determine strategies, which will transform their organizations into a new model equipped to navigate continuous unexpected change while meeting the needs of constituents in a meaningful way. Join National Association of Corporate Directors for a panel discussion exploring key challenges facing not-for-profits, as well as innovation and opportunity in the current and future environment.
Cost: Free
Event Contact:832-369-7110 |
Additional Upcoming Houston Events
More details coming soon!
- April 22, 2021 – Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce – Conference for Women 2021