Get an Update on the Manufacturing Industry with the GHP

by | Nov 4, 2019

On Wednesday, November 6, 2019, the Greater Houston Partnership is hosting its next luncheon event, titled “2019 Manufacturing Industry Forum,” at the Hilton University of Houston.

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An update on the industry will be presented by Rich Wells, Chair, Greater Houston Partnership’s Manufacturing & Logistics Committee and V.P. of Gulf Coast Operations and Site Director of Texas Operations at the Dow Chemical Company, Freeport.

Mike Molnar, Founding Director, Office of Advanced Manufacturing at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) within the U.S. Department of Commerce, is this year’s keynote speaker, and he will address national industry trends, progress with the Manufacturing USA program and the Administration’s National Strategic Plan for Advanced Manufacturing.

PKF Texas is a proud sponsor of this event, and our team members will be attending the luncheon, ready to network and meet fellow guests!

For registration details, visit

To learn more information about how PKF Texas serves the industry, visit


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