Who’s A 2010 FastTech 50 Winner? Find Out Friday
The numbers have been crunched, the envelope has been sealed and the final preparations for the FastTech 50 luncheon are being taken care of as you read this!
If you are in the tech community here in Houston, then you better be at the Hilton Americas Downtown on Friday for the 10th Annual Fast Tech 50 Awards. It’s the can’t miss event of November!
This is the tenth year of our participation as the presenting sponsor and it will be the best event yet! This is the fourth year we will be awarding one company the Paul Frison Accelerator Award.
If you don’t have a seat you will miss out on the premier event for emerging and tech based companies in Houston. To register visit: http://www2.bizjournals.com/houston/event/15761 or contact Lee Ann Semmel at lasemmel@bizjournals.com or 713-688-8811.
I look forward to seeing many of our friends at the luncheon. A huge thanks to our sponsor group: the Houston Business Journal, Employer Flexible, the Houston Technology Center, Phillips & Reiter, PLCC, Pierpont Communications, and the Rice Alliance.