Choosing a Partner for ERP Implementation

by | Dec 3, 2011

Note: Running weekly in, PKF Texas – Entrepreneur’s Playbook® is a continuing series of tips brought to you by Greg Price. These run Sunday evenings during the BusinessMaker’s Radio Show on KPRC 950AM.

PKF Texas: The Entrepreneur’s Playbook® – Microsoft Dynamics NAV from The Businessmakers on Vimeo.

Greg: This is PKF Texas, the Entrepreneur’s Playbook. I’m Greg Price, director of consulting solutions, and I’m here again with Michael Harding, CS manager at PKF Texas. Michael, welcome back to the playbook.

Michael: Thank you, Greg.

Greg: So Michael, in some earlier segments, we talked about Microsoft Dynamics NAV. What are the key value propositions for that product?

Michael: Well, I’ll boil it down to three things. It’s fast to implement, easy to configure, and simple to use. And those make it an attractive option for an ERP.

Greg: Now Michael, we’ve heard a lot about software companies and their long-term viability. What’s Microsoft’s commitment to Dynamics NAV?

Michael: Well, it’s been around for over 30 years, and it has over 80,000 customers, and Microsoft’s latest statement of directions announced that the next release is out in the end of 2012, and the statement of direction actually takes us into 2025 with their committed effort.

Greg: Wow, that’s a long time in the future. Most of us will be retired by that time. So tell me, what is the hidden value or what’s the most successful attribute for an ERP implementation?

Michael: You know, selecting the software is important, but just as important is selecting a partner that is experienced, that has the in the trenches type experience that’s going to take you to a successful implementation.

Greg: You know, those projects are highly complex, and in this case, experience definitely does count. This has been a Thought Leader Production brought to you by PKF Texas, The Entrepreneur’s Playbook. Tune in next week for another chat. And remember, if your debits don’t equal your credits, give PKF Texas a call.


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