Navision Automotive Alliance

by | Apr 10, 2007 | Microsoft Dynamics NAV

I have some great news to report!

PKF Texas has joined seven other Microsoft Dynamics – NAV partners to create the Navision Automotive Alliance (NAA). 

The NAA will deliver the integrated solution of AIM Computer Solution, Inc.’s Vision AutoSys and Dynamics – NAV.

The other partners with us in NAA are:

The NAA was formed to provide consistent and highly reliable industry vertical solution for companies that manufacture automotive parts. Collectively each of the NAV partners that form the NAA have the highest capabilities and desire to provide a deep industry vertical in this field. Our group chemistry, collaboration, and geographic locations is a perfect fit for the rollout of the automotive alliance.

To quote Mogens Elsberg, The Worldwide General Manager of Dynamics NAV:

“This alliance is a fantastic example of the benefits to both partners and customers of true partner collaboration. The combined talents of eight certified Microsoft Dynamics NAV Partners bring a focused solution to the production automotive parts supplier, based on Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Microsoft technologies. The benefits to customers having access to this new integrated vertical solution are huge.”

This will be a great partnership and I’m looking forward to our continued collaboration. 

If you have any questions about the NAA or what our capabilities are, please leave a comment or email me!  Also, check out the website,


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