Working Faster, Better, Cheaper

by | May 14, 2009 | Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Observations

With the recent news that Yahoo! is shutting down the long running Geocities web hosting service later this year, I became a bit nostalgic for the early days of the internet.

Who remembers the simpler time when Prodigy, AOL and Netscape ruled the World Wide Web? My daughter was watching the Meg Ryan/Tom Hanks movie, You’ve Got Mail, a couple weeks ago, and though it released in 1998, we’re already light years ahead of the technology from the film. Dial-up seems like a distant memory.

It can be hard to remember when things weren’t instantly available at the click of a mouse. Can you imagine the technology we’ll have in 2019? 

As a self proclaimed techno-file, I love to think about this kind of stuff. The interaction that I have with the Fast Tech 50 companies and the Houston Technology Center allows me the chance to get a peek at the future. The recent mantra I’ve seen is an emphasis on faster, better, cheaper. 

I know our Consulting Solutions department at PKF Texas is focused on assisting our clients with solutions, like Microsoft Dynamics NAV, that give them the information they need to run their business faster, better and cheaper. 

What technology are you nostalgic about? Can you venture a guess as to what kinds of technology will impact us in 2019? How does your business continue to adapt as different solutions hit the market?  Jason Pontin has some interesting thoughts on his blog about how old technologies rarely die, they just get upgraded.


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