CEOs and Business Owners Take Note: How Disaster Recovery & Data Integration Affect our Orgs

by | Feb 22, 2006 | Observations

Welcome back to the top issues affecting accounting firms and the clients we serve. As promised, here are my thoughts on two more of the American Institute of CPAs’ Top 10 Technologies:
#3: Disaster and Business Continuity Planning – While disaster recovery has always been important, most business executives felt like the cost of this “insurance” outweighed the benefits.
However, as we have seen in the post-9/11 world, disaster recovery should be at the forefront of every CEO’s or business owner’s game plan. We have to be prepared for any type of disaster that may strike our cities and businesses. And, as we have seen in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, natural disasters can be as devastating as those caused by terrorists.
#8: Application and Data Integration – We have many new applications and software tools that allow us to work with a multitude of solutions. The process of developing standards for data mining and sharing of information can help us do more with the tools that we have everyday.
Share with me your own thoughts about these technologies – how do they affect you and your organization?


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