Follow Me on Twitter

by | May 29, 2009

Ok, after mulling it over for a few months, I’ve decided to make the leap into the Twitter universe. You can follow me – fromgregshead – and I’ve posted a link in the blog roll so you can access my twitter page quickly. I’ll be tweeting a mix of personal and professional bits. This is something that I’m experimenting with, so if you have any tips for me, let me know either here or on Twitter.

On a similar note, since the world is a buzz about Twitter and you can’t seem to escape it, I recently read two very interesting and helpful articles about professional service providers jumping on the Twitter train. The first, by Rick Telberg, I found on the AICPA and the second by Larry Bodine, a legal marketing guru, was passed to me by my colleague Raissa Evans.

The two articles offer differing opinions on the use of Twitter for those of us in professional services. Bodine highlights why Twitter is not an effective tool for law firms to use. The potential liability of a lawyer’s tweets outweighs the benefits that other industries enjoy. Telberg’s AICPA article takes a different view and espouses the benefits of a CPA tweeting, namely the networking opportunities it presents.

Are you tweeting? Is your company tweeting? How are you handling the balance between your personal and professional tweets?


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