How Much Information Should We Take With Us?

by | Nov 27, 2006 | Observations

Your life flashes before your eyes the instant you realize your “Crackberry” is missing. Trying to recall all of the information you have stored for convenience. Account numbers, passwords, birthdays… The list goes on.

My friend Richard Scruggs at the CNVE recently left his Crackberry on the roof of his car and drove through a stop light and three turns before it fell off in a CVS parking lot. 

He details his saga in the latest CNVE newsletter. Click here to read the whole article. In the article he brings up some valid points. 

It’s difficult to not keep our most sensitive information on our PDA’s, but many of us hesitate in keeping “minor” account information like our account number and password easily accessible. If someone accessed your account and decided they needed to purchase a rare first edition of Crime and Punishment, with one-click purchasing, your wallet would be significantly lighter.

In this era of convenience and the need to have everything at our fingertips right now, how do we solve our dependence on the Crackberry? Where should we keep our sensitive and not so sensitive information? At home buried in a box in the backyard? Is it even safer at home? Maybe we should just play Russian Roulette and hope we don’t lose.

Where do you draw the line for storing information on your Crackberry? How do you decide what you could “afford to lose” if your Crackberry is lost or stolen?


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