Texas Ranks High in High-Tech Employment

by | May 11, 2006 | Observations

I saw an interesting story the other day in the Houston Business Journal regarding how Texas is the second highest center for IT jobs. According to a report released by the AeA Council:

The Lone Star State ranked second in the country in terms of jobs, with high-tech firms employing 435,400 Texans throughout the state. The industry also had a payroll of $31.5 billion in 2004, and high-tech workers earned an average salary of $72,300.

According to the report, high-tech manufacturing industry employment grew by 3,300 jobs between 2004 and 2005, the first growth since 2000.
Sounds good to me, but let’s put our money where our employment is by spreading the word on how great the state is in providing high-tech work. We can do this by re-emphasizing our commitment to local resources and, on a larger scale, international relations.


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