The Texaplex is the Place to Be

by | Jul 8, 2009

My colleague, Dan Ramey, forwarded me the above video about the “Texaplex.” The video defines the Texaplex as the triangle of Texas between Houston, San Antonio, Austin and Dallas/Fort Worth. 82.5% of the Texas population lives in the Texaplex.

David Winans, a real estate broker from Dallas, coined the term and produced the video as a reaction to the negative press about the economy and to promote Texas as a good place to do business.

To quote from the video, Texas has “more jobs, more commerce and more real estate opportunities” than other states.

I’ve mentioned it several times here and I’m glad to see others are promoting Texas as the place to be right now.

Some interesting facts from the video:

  • If Texas was its own country, it would be the 10th largest in the world with the 12th largest economy
  • Texas has the largest population growth of any state
  • CNBC named Texas as the #1 state for doing business

Wow, with all of that information, if you’re not already doing business here, what are you waiting for?


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