Change Readiness Model – Capabilities and Beliefs

Byron: Hi. This is Byron Hebert and this is another Tool Time Update brought to you by your friends at PKF Texas and the Entrepreneur’s Playbook. If you remember, we’ve been talking about the “Change Success” model. We went and talked, overall, about the beliefs and readiness capabilities of an organization to affect change. And, we talked about – the beliefs was 30% of that change; readiness 30 %, and capabilities 40%. Last week, I talked to you about “change readiness” and all the components that make up the “change readiness.” And, today, I want to talk to you about change – the capability of an organization to change – and their belief systems that need to be in place to affect positive change in your organization.
Let’s talk, first, about capabilities. This is where a company’s sustainable competitive advantage lies. This is the company’s ability to make a profit and, also, dynamic capabilities; their ability to improve the performance of the company and the profitability of a company. Personal capabilities; same thing. Capabilities of an individual to make a living and their dynamic capabilities to improve their living. And so, while these are important components – because it’s 40% of the change process – and, in fact, it’s a “non-starter” without these; these are, really, enablers is all it is. So, most organizations have focused, quite heavily, on their capabilities and that’s how they’ve gotten to the position they’re in now. But, these are things that we have to address in a change model.
Moving on to “beliefs.” Let’s talk about “beliefs.” So, that’s 30% of our change effectiveness. And, we’ve got three of those, there. So, we broke ’em down, evenly, to 10%, each. First, let’s talk about significant others. This is an area that, a lot of times, we fail to address; and that is, “How about the peoples’ significant others; that they live with or they work with, here, in the organization? Do they believe in the change that we’re trying to make? Do they support it?” And that’s an important component that we have to take into consideration.
What about our attitude towards change? “What’s the organization’s attitude towards change? Do we believe in it? Do we like it?” The change participants attitude towards the change; “What is their belief, there?” “Perceived difficulty;” again, 10% of our belief systems will lie in, “How difficult do we think it is to make this change in the organization; whatever it may be?” So, that wraps up all of these areas in the last three Tool Time Updates that we’ve given you on change readiness, change capability and change beliefs.
My name is Byron Hebert. This has been a Tool Time Update brought to you by your friends at PKF Texas and the Entrepreneur’s Playbook.