Engaging Employees With the “King for a Day” Exercise

by | Feb 15, 2016

Andy: This is Andy Ray and this is another Tool Time update brought to you by your friends at PKF Texas and the Entrepreneurs Playbook. Today I’m going to cover a tool we call an exercise we call King for a Day. This is an exercise to get you reengaged with your curiosity in your business. As our day to day business kind of runs our lives we kind of forget about that thing that got us there to begin with. Which is to ask questions and to inquire. This is a very simple exercise. Take a sheet of paper. Put on the top of the paper this statement, “We could blank if we blank.”

And what you’re going to do is start with your team and work your way outside your team into other departments and the whole business and fill in this statement, “We could blank if we blank.” So for example if you’re a purchasing manager in a company one of your first statements might be, “We could cut costs if we bid out our commodities more often.” That’s a very simple kind of statement. It’s very collaborative, it’s very visionary, it’s also very execution oriented. So this is a very simple way to get your curiosity reengaged. Spend 15 minutes per day for a week on this. Start with your team and work your way out.

You’re the king you can look at anything you want. And don’t be practical. You’re going for volume here. You’ll probably have about 50 or 60 statements that we could blank if we blank at the end of us and then you’ll go in with your teams and start prioritizing improvement projects. This has been a Tool Time update brought to you by PKF Texas and the Entrepreneurs Playbook.


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