How the Birkman Method Predicts Conflict

by | Feb 8, 2016

Byron: Hi, my name is Byron Hebert and this is another Tool Time Update brought to you by your friends at PKF Texas and the Entrepreneur’s Playbook. We’ve been talking about Birkman and all the various tools that that provides us to use in our organization for people development and getting the right people in the right place. We’re going to talk about the lifestyle grid today; this is the second Tool Time Update on the lifestyle grid and if you remember we talked about how the green and blue are more people oriented, our red and yellow are more task oriented people, yellow and blue are indirect communicators, red and green are more direct communicators.

We’re going to talk today about where we may see a conflict in our organization. We noticed that if I have someone in the red zone here they can relate to the green because they’re both direct communicators, right? They can also relate to the person in yellow because they’re task oriented. But the blue, there’s where you may have a conflict if you have someone in this area this person is going to be much slower to makes decisions, more strategy oriented; this is going to be more action oriented; so there could be a conflict in there, a natural conflict between these two.

Same with your yellow and green; you’ve got the communicator, the persuader. You’ve got the task person here, the procedure oriented person. These two may naturally be in conflict because this person is going to want to go make the sale, this one’s going to be concerned about do we communicate it right, do we document everything; is the sale getting made properly? Just an indication of where you could have conflict within your organization and how the lifestyle grid in Birkman will help you see that before it comes. Again, my name is Byron Hebert and this has been another Tool Time Update brought to you by your friends at PKF Texas and the Entrepreneur’s Playbook.


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