PKF Texas – Entrepreneur’s Playbook®:Conscious Business

by | May 14, 2010

Note: Running Fridays in FromGregsHead.comis a continuing series of tips brought to you by Greg Price. These run Saturday mornings during the BusinessMaker’s Radio Show on KPRC 950AM. Audio files can be found on the PKF Texas – Entrepreneur’s Playbook® page of the PKF Texas website

In the past, I have drawn some comments from the book, “Conscious Business” written by Fred Kofman.  It’s a book that I highly recommend.  While the ideas are easy to understand, they are not always easy to implement.

Over the next few weeks I will be commenting on some topics from this book.  I hope you find the areas thought provoking and professionally challenging.

Our first topic is “Success beyond success”.  So how do you define success in your business, your personal life? How do you bring alignment between these two key areas?

Kofman challenges us to ask the following questions:

1. What brings authentic happiness?
2. What is my real life purpose?
3. What is true success?

To be conscious means to be awake, mindful. To live consciously means to be open to perceiving the world around us within us, to understand our circumstances, and to decide how to respond to them in ways that honor our needs, values, and goals.

I was reading some excerpts from others who have read Kofman’s guidance and I found this one to be truly compelling, “Kofman solves the false dilemma of “selling out” to pursue financial success or “dropping out” to have a meaningful life.  Through conscious Business, he provides the principles, the practices and the tools to become a true leader.  At work and in life.

So how do you define success?


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