PKF Texas – Entrepreneur’s Playbook®:Look Outside for Innovative Ideas

by | Sep 18, 2009

Note: Running Fridays in FromGregsHead.comis a continuing series of tips brought to you by Greg Price. These run Saturday mornings during the BusinessMaker’s Radio Show on KPRC 950AM. Audio files can be found on the PKF Texas – Entrepreneur’s Playbook® page of the PKF Texas website.

As an entrepreneur, where do you look for innovative ideas?  How often do you venture outside your industry to get new ideas?  What are thought leaders from other industries saying that you can apply to your business?

The magazine, The Economist, hosts numerous conferences each year on different topics, bringing in the thought leaders from a variety of industries.

The TED conference, founded in 1984 has grown to be one of the premier conferences devoted to quote, “ideas worth spreading.”  It’s an invitation only conference, but you can access the conference webcasts via their website,

These types of conferences can provide you a cache of ideas that you can apply to your business to take it to the next level.  Right now, innovation is king, and if you don’t stay on top of trends (in and out of your industry), you could get lost in the shuffle.


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