PKF Texas – The Entrepreneur’s Playbook™: Empower Your Workforce

by | Oct 10, 2008

Note: Running Fridays in FromGregsHead.comis a continuing series of tips brought to you by Greg Price. These run Saturday mornings during the BusinessMaker’s Radio Show on KPRC 950AM. Audio files can be found on the Entrepreneur’s Playbook page of the PKF Texas website.

With world wide connectivity, global regulation, and an increasing request for even the smallest organization to be 24/7, how does an organization rise to these challenges in our present world?

The one constant for success against these external forces are people. The people in your organization are you key to success.  Only people have the flexibility and steadfastness to identify and then respond to new information to meet challenges or take advantage of new opportunities.

What the values of an Empowered Workforce?

  1. People lead and create innovation;
  2. People seek and promote operational excellence;
  3. People strengthen vendor partnerships; and
  4. People build customer relationships

By using products like Microsoft’s Dynamics NAV you can amplify the abilities of your personnel to meet these challenges.


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