PKF Texas – The Entrepreneur’s Playbook: Force Field Analysis: Implementation
Note: Running most Fridays in, is a continuing series of tips brought to you by Greg Price. These run Saturday mornings during the BusinessMaker’s Radio Show on KPRC 950AM. Audio files can be found on the Entrepreneur’s Playbook page of the PKF Texas website.
This final segment deals with the implementation process of Force Field Analysis.
Have your group identify three tasks from your total list of positive and negative ideas to implement over the next three to six months.
It doesn’t matter if all three tasks increase the positive influences or reduce negative influences. It can be a combination of both. The point is to get an agreement on the ideas that will yield the quickest and greatest results.
Identify a “champion” who is most qualified to supervise the improvement initiative and therefore will be held accountable for the results of each task.
Consider the tasks necessary to complete the project and develop a plan to achieve those tasks.
Clear any obvious obstacles such as lack of time for implementation, resources needed, etc.
Establish deadlines and times to meet to discuss progress over the next month.
Make this project a priority for the manager in charge.
Finally, establish a time to meet in three to six months to gauge the company’s success on the implementation of your improvement initiatives.