PKF Texas – The Entrepreneur’s Playbook™:How Wired Are You?

by | Dec 20, 2008

Note: Running Fridays in FromGregsHead.comis a continuing series of tips brought to you by Greg Price. These run Saturday mornings during the BusinessMaker’s Radio Show on KPRC 950AM. Audio files can be found on the Entrepreneur’s Playbook page of the PKF Texas website.

Well every day you see more and more folks using them and you ask yourself should I breakdown and get that Blackberry, iPhone, of PDA/Phone that keeps you 100% wired 24×7?

While the question is a technology play, the answer and the reasons for using the technology are not.  They have to deal with the simple basic requirements of your business and how you want to balance them with your personal life.  I happen to use a PDA/Phone because my team and our client requirements require me to be available to either manage an issue directly, or be available to a team member or a client with a question.

By using the device, it allows me to be projected across a broader base and be more fully involved in many processes.  But there is a dark side to the technology as well.  And many of you have crossed over to the dark side.   There are some of you who have allowed the “crackberry” device to command your attention 24X7 and you are constantly looking at them throughout the day vs. managing yourself.   Make sure you don’t irritate the person you are with by constantly reading your e-mail, etc.  Develop a process of when to check and not check the device so you are focused on the job at hand.

At some point many of us have left a meeting mentally to check our e-mail, text message or some other matter that was of more interest to us.  The reality is, we need to better manage our use of the technology and not become a slave to it.


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