Port of Houston Addresses Import Challenges

by | May 25, 2015

Karen: This is PKF Texas Entrepreneur’s Playbook, I’m Karen Love, Host and Founder. Today I’m here once again with Frances Castañeda-Dyess; she’s the president of the Houston East End Chamber of Commerce. Welcome back once again.

Frances: Thank you Karen for having me back.

Karen: Well, you know I found it really cool that Houston may benefit from shipments that are coming directly here and I would like to know about another business disruption where Houston’s going to win.

Frances: Absolutely. Well you know flowers are abundant, you see them everywhere here in the city of Houston, but did you know that they actually go somewhere else and then they’re flown into Houston?

Karen: No I didn’t.

Frances: It would be wonderful if they would come directly here so I do know that the port is working with Colombia. There was a test program where flowers came on a shipment, however there were some complications and due to government agencies they arrived and they weren’t in the best quality, so the tests are going to continue. And wouldn’t it be wonderful once that that test has been resolved all these flowers would come here immediately? New businesses can open around the port and then everyone else will benefit from it.

Karen: That would be fantastic. I had no idea so thank you for sharing that with us and our audience.

Frances: You’re very welcome, thank you.

Karen: So for other port related topics visit PKFTexas.com/portadvisoryservices because this has been another Thought Leader production brought to you by PKF Texas Entrepreneur’s Playbook.


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