Turning the Tables, My Interview with Russ Capper
This past Tuesday, Russ Capper, whom you’ll know from listing to the BusinessMakers Radio Show, and I switched things up a bit, and I got the chance to interview him for a change.
Russ was the featured speaker at the January TECH (Technology Executive Club of Houston) luncheon and we recorded my interview with him, which will air during tomorrow’s BusinessMakers Radio Show (8:00am on 950AM).
We talked about some of his favorite guests, including Rod Canion, founder of Compaq and Gordon Bethune, former CEO of Continental Airlines.
Also, we discussed how and why he started the BusinessMakers Radio Show. Russ observed that that there was no group that more positively affected our lives than innovators and entrepreneurs and yet their stories rarely made it to the mainstream media. He sought to change that, and the BusinessMakers Radio Show was born.
The guests of the luncheon were eager to pick Russ’ brain and provide feedback, which you’ll be able to hear during the show.
Don’t hesitate to let us know your thoughts on the interview.