Houston Tech Community on the Rise

by | Sep 30, 2009

The Houston Business Journal recently ran an article that should come as no surprise to regular blog readers.  The headline was “Houston Named Hot Spot for Tech Jobs.”

As we get closer to the FastTech 50 on November 4th, articles like these serve as a reminder that our tech community is being taken seriously around the country.  No longer are tech start-ups only flocking to Silicon Valley or Austin.  Houston is making its mark and it’s nice to see our tech community finally be getting the recognition it deserves.

With resources like the Houston Technology Center, the Houston Angel Network, the Rice Alliance and the largest medical center in the world at your fingertips, quite frankly, I can’t see any reasons why a company wouldn’t choose Houston. 

If you’re a tech company in Houston, what do you see as the biggest advantage of being located here? What else do you think Houston should be doing to continue building our tech profile in the global economy?


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