One Week to Go Until FastTech 50!

by | Oct 28, 2009 | Tecknowledgy

We’ve got one week to go before the Fast Tech 50 Class of 2009 is revealed.  PKF Texas and I are eager to celebrate the friends of our firm who will be a part of the accomplished FastTech 50 Class of 2009. As founding sponsors of the FastTech 50, entering its 9th year, we would like to invite you to join us by purchasing a ticket or a table. 
The 9th Annual FastTech 50 Awards Luncheon will be held:

Wednesday, November 4, 2008
11:30 am-1:30 pm
Hilton Americas Houston Hotel
1600 Lamar

The Houston Business Journal has made it very easy to register by clicking  For more information contact Lee Ann Semmel at or 713-688-8811.
This year we will again be recognizing the youngest company on the list with the Paul Frison Accelerator Award.  And will also be recognizing two new Enterprise Champions, business leaders whose exceptional companies demonstrate growth, industry leadership and above-average company culture.  
If you are on Twitter, be sure to search #FT50 for the latest Fast Tech 50 news.
We hope to see you there!


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