U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) require not-for-profits to...
Sonia Freeman
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How to Persuade Donors to Remove “Restricted” from Gifts
Restricted gifts — or donations with conditions attached — can be difficult for...
Do Volunteers Put Your Not-for-Profit at Risk?
Not-for-profits that direct and benefit from the actions of their volunteers can be held...
How Your Not-for-Profit’s Internal and Year-End Financial Statements Can Differ
Do you prepare internal financial statements for your board of directors on a monthly,...
Tips on Compensating Not-For-Profit Board Members
Contrary to popular belief, it’s usually perfectly legal to compensate not-for-profit...
Thinking Like an Auditor for Your Not-For-Profit Revenue
Auditors examining a not-for-profit's financial statements spend considerable time on...
Financial sustainability and your nonprofit
If your not-for-profit relies heavily on a few funding sources — for example, an annual...
How Your Nonprofit Can Successfully Execute a Capital Campaign
When your not-for-profit desperately needs a new facility, costly equipment or an...
Create a Nonprofit Executive Search Plan to Stay Prepared for Future Hiring
Selecting a new chief executive or other senior staffer is one of the most important...
Five Tips on Succession Planning for Not-for-Profits
Every not-for-profit organization needs comprehensive succession planning to ensure...