Here are some of the key tax deadlines affecting businesses and other employers during...
Nikki Homratsamy
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The Taxes of Providing a Company Car
The use of a company car is a valuable fringe benefit for owners and employees of small...
Be Careful if Your Not-for-Profit has International Activity
Budgetary shortfalls may have your not-for-profit looking for new sources of support. If...
Home Office Deductions – Are You Eligible?
If you’re self-employed and work out of an office in your home, you may be entitled to...
2019 Q3 Tax Calendar: Knowing Important Deadlines
Here are some of the key tax-related deadlines affecting businesses and other employers...
Not-for-Profit Considerations for International Reach
Many not-for-profits look international, beyond the United States, to boost revenue....
Mark these Tax Deadline Dates for the Rest of 2018
While April 15 (April 17 this year) is the main tax deadline on most individual...
File Your 2017 Tax Return Early to Avoid Identity Theft
The IRS has just announced that it will begin accepting 2017 income tax returns on...
Retirement Plan Contribution Limits for 2017 Stay Mostly Unchanged
Retirement plan contribution limits are indexed for inflation, but with inflation...
Can You Pay Bonuses in 2017 but Deduct Them in 2016?
You may be aware of the rule that allows businesses to deduct bonuses employees have...